Have you ever wondered what an Emerald or a Rose Quartz would smell like? Discover the Sacred Alchemy of the Gemstones!
Ruby - Root Chakra
Ruby - Root Chakra
Ruby is the Red of your Root Chakra
Ruby supports life situations. Pressures and stress deplete the body emotionally and physically, Ruby replenishes and provides stamina and vitality.
Ruby energizes without depleting. The morning elixir to live each day in strength. To give from your heart with love and joy. A Sacred Oil to be used for those who are in service to others (i.e. healers) that have nothing left to give and are depleted. Useful for disagreements and disputes with others, to re-energize when one is exhausted..
Grounding. It builds, it strengthens physically and emotionally. Gives the courage to move forward, for those feeling stuck. Helps with decision making.