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808 Edmonton Trail NE
Calgary, AB, T2E 3J6


Agate, Moss


Have you ever wondered what an Emerald or a Rose Quartz would smell like?  Discover the Sacred Alchemy of the Gemstones!

Agate, Moss


Agate, Moss

from CA$47.00


* centering – calming – peaceful – restorative grounding, to balance left and right hemispheres of brain (whole-brained) 

* workplace communication

* normalizes blood sugar -  (with Aventurine and Bloodstone)

* assists ungrounded & unstable

* mental concentration – persistence – mental endurance –

* goal completion –

* magnifies one’s intent,  to use with abundance work –

* anorexia – digestion

 - increases psychic contact with elementals and nature spirits –


“ I herby do affirm that I'm using the sacred oil of Moss Agate to consciously align my path.  To strengthen all my endeavors and success in all my pursuits.  I use this sacred oil to eliminate toxins, mentally emotionally as well as physically.   I ask for guidance in this from the source Trinity, from the Elohim and from the Ascended Masters, from the Angelic kingdom and my Spirit Guides.”

Special Note:

* Can be used with the Star Tetrahedron (Mercaba) Oil  to specifically clear and heal heart issues.

* Can be combined with Fire, Water, Earth and Air elemental oils & Lord Pan's Oil ) 

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