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Sacred Geometry

Vesica Piscis - 2 ML

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Screen Shot 2016-03-07 at 12.56.14 PM.png

Vesica Piscis - 2 ML



When you have to circles and they overlap it is the vesicle Pisces. It represents mother, father, and you, the blessed child, in the middle.

In early years that were around time of the Renaissance you will find that the sacred paintings include this, because that center oval was often considered to be the opening to the womb of the mother.  So very, very sacred, the birth. Father (masculine), mother (feminine) and child connections.

The qualities of the Vesica Piesecs is rebirth or birth. It is the triple, it is the three. It is the sacredness. It is sometimes discussed as father sky, mother earth, and the blessed child in the middle or it can be Mother, Father God creating. You are in unity with that powerful creation, manifesting from the very beginning, not part way along the path.

Very strong in the healing sense. To place it on someone of illness because it is that that absolute moment of the union. In the egg and the sperm when that first cell splits into two that is the beginning of life. Someone who is struggling with a disease that perhaps is terminal, it is an opportunity to give them that new life that maybe beyond the physical world but that adjustment is gentle. It can be used to increase fertility, couples that are wanting to conceive. Very powerful. Or the start or birth of a project, is the same thing as a child. The vesica Pisces is like the double sphere of love and wisdom, so it's divine power with infinite love and infinite wisdom.

To relieve the pain of separation from God.  It isn’t what we are missing, its what were experiencing. The separation from God that manifests back to separation from relationship or success or abundance. Often when you have someone who is struggling for success and putting a great deal of effort into it and are coming out with any of the results that they are wanting, this will help them to create, to manifest, their desired results. With the use of this oil there be a recognition of a higher guidance, that releases those from bondage or the seeming imprisonment of old patterns, old patterns repeated that do not give you results with uplifting love to then proceed successfully. To eleviate the negative or dark patterns of the old.

Spiritual healing and uplifting. To work towards a higher consciousness of a new understanding, a new vision, a new way to see in the three-dimensional darkness. 

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