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808 Edmonton Trail NE
Calgary, AB, T2E 3J6


Orange, Sweet - Citrus sinensis

Essential Oils

We carry only the purest!

Orange, Sweet - Citrus sinensis


Orange, Sweet - Citrus sinensis

from CA$10.00

Therapeutic properties

The therapeutic properties of orange oil are antiseptic, anti-depressant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, diuretic, cholagogue, sedative and tonic.

Chemical composition

The main chemical components of orange oil are a-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, citronellal, neral and geranial.



It is a sunny and radiant oil, bringing happiness and warmth to the mind and helps people to relax and helps children to sleep at night. Orange oil can be used effectively on the immune system, as well as for colds and flu and to eliminate toxins from the body.

It is a good diuretic and is most useful in balancing water retention and obesity. Its lymphatic stimulant action further helps to balance water processes, detoxification, aiding the immune system and general well-being.

For the digestive system, orange oil can help with constipation, dyspepsia and as a general tonic. It is also useful in cases of nervous tension and stress.

  • Vapor therapy
    • In vapor therapy, orange oil can help with colds and flu, nervous tension and stress and helps to create a feeling of happiness and warmth, while helping children fall asleep at night.
  • Blended massage oil and in a bath
    • As a blended massage oil or added to a bath, it assists with colds and flu, eliminates toxins, boost the lymphatic and immune system and helps ease nervous tension and stress.
  • Cream or lotion
    • When used in a cream or lotion it also assists the lymphatic system, helping to detoxify a congested skin and although it is a good general skin tonic, it is great for older more mature skin, dealing with dermatitis, as well as acne and soothing a dry irritated skin. The general tonic action seems to stem from the action it has on supporting collagen formation in the skin, which is required for a healthy, young-looking skin.

Orange oil blends well with

Although most essential oils blend well with one another, orange oil blends particularly well with black peppercinnamonclovesgingerfrankincense,sandalwood and vetiver.


It is a safe non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil, yet care must be taken with it since it can have a phototoxic effect. It should therefore preferably not be applied before going out into sunlight for prolonged periods.

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